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What Kind of Businesses Use The Most Energy?

by | Sep 29, 2021 | Energy Efficiency

With a lot of talk about the rising costs of energy, you might be wondering which businesses use the most energy, or rather, which business will be impacted the most, and is your business one of them? 

At Bio Developing, we focus on ways to make your building more energy-efficient and sustainable. From energy-star products to solar installations and green buildings, we specialize in optimizing the way you generate and use energy.

In this article, we are going to review the kind of business that generally use the most electricity, and would most benefit from our products.

A Note on Sustainability

When we talk about using your energy more efficiently, reducing energy waste, generating your own electricity, or creating a green building, we are really talking about sustainability.

Today, sustainability is not only vital for our environment, but sustainable solutions can help you save money, increase your building’s value, and even help grow your business. According to recent studies done, customers are more likely to do business or buy from a company that is sustainable, over one that is not.

That is why at Bio Developing, we view all our solutions as a way to help your business not only improve and integrate with your environment but also grow as a business.

What Kind of Businesses Use The Most Energy?

Grocery Stores, Restaurants, and Convenience Stores

Typically stores, restaurants, and convenience stores use a lot of energy due to their long hours, lights, refrigeration, and the constant need to run the equipment. However, at the same time, this category can also stand for large improvements and savings when energy-efficient solutions are implemented. A simple solution such as LED lights, or energy-star refrigeration can help drastically reduce costs.

Car Dealerships

Apart from their long hours, seven days a week, car dealerships also use a ton of lighting, far more than you notice. Car dealerships also need to power a lot of computers and systems, as well as cleaning and repair shops at the dealership. If all the car dealerships in America would just reduce their energy usage by 10%, it would equal nearly $140 million in energy savings.

Office Buildings, Residential Buildings, Hotels and Motels

Air conditioning, lighting, and appliances cost office buildings, residential buildings, and hotels and motels, thousands and thousands of dollars in energy a month. By implementing solutions like solar panels, onsite generation, natural gas generators, LED lights, and even smart-energy monitoring systems, office buildings, residential complexes, and hotels and motels can reduce their energy costs considerably and save a lot of money.

Didn’t See Your Kind of Business Here?

If you didn’t see your kind of business on this list, that doesn’t mean that you can’t save money on energy bills by finding ways to reduce your energy waste or be more sustainable. 

Things like HVAC, lights and everyday appliances can cost you thousands of dollars a year needlessly. 

No matter the size or kind of business or building you have, Bio Developing can assist you to locate, and implement energy-efficient, energy star, and sustainable solutions. 

Rebecca Samson

Article by
Rebecca Samson
Editor, Bio Development