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Commercial Solar

Pay Less For Your Electricity with Commercial Solar Solutions

With millions of solar installations in the U.S, more and more business owners are taking advantage of the price difference between a solar PV system or continuing to pay their utility for electricity.

As a business owner you may be asking yourself, does solar make sense for my business? Maybe you’ve been thinking about going solar but it still seems like a risky idea.

By survey, both employees and customers like working for or doing business with a company that uses green energy and promotes environmental improvement. But when it comes to commercial solar, the main question is generally, does solar make financial sense?

Here are two simple facts that will help answer the question:

For the last 50 plus years, U.S. electricity prices have continuously increased by an average of about 4% every year.

Today, electricity accounts for one of the top five business expenses as business owners and CFOs feel electricity and utility bills cut into their profits as they simply pay too much for electricity.

On the flip side, thanks to constant advances in solar technology, improved optimization, and increased reliability, the price for solar power has constantly decreased year after year to where installing solar power not only reduces your monthly payments, and can be done with no money out of pocket, but immediately protects you against constantly increasing electrical rates.

As every business is different, Bio Developing Corp specializes in tailoring commercial solar installations to any business of any size, not only making it make sense financially but working with you and your business’ specifications to help offset 100% of your energy with your solar PV system, helping you be 100% green.