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What is a Green Building?

by | Mar 15, 2022 | Uncategorized

What is a Green Building?

What is a green building? And why are green buildings so important? As we become more and more conscious of our environment, and the role we play in preserving our planet, you may have wondered about the term “green building”.

In this article, I am going to answer the question “what is a green building?” I’ve also written another article that explains why green buildings are important and why you should consider ways to make your building green.

So, what is a green building?

A green building is a building that, through its design, construction, and operation, reduces or eliminates its impact on the environment. Some green buildings can create a positive impact on the environment and climate.

Green buildings not only help safeguard and improve the environment, but they also greatly improve the quality of life for those working or living inside the building. People who work or live in a green building have been shown improvements in well-being, productivity, creativeness, and happiness.

There are a number of features you can implement to help make your building green, including:

  • Efficient use and re-use of water and resources.
  • The use and production of renewable energy, through solar or wind. 
  • Measures to reduce pollution, such as recycling.
  • HVAC systems that improve indoor air quality.
  • The use of ethically sourced, sustainable, and non-toxic materials. 
  • If building a new structure, consideration of the environment in design, construction, and operation. Including a design that enables adaption to a changing environment.

Today, there are more than 95,000 fully certified green buildings that consume 2.2 million square feet.

The idea of a green building is a building that integrates within its natural environment as opposed to posing disruption.

Any building, be it a home, a residential complex, a school, a hospital, a community center, or an office building can be green.

A building can be designed and constructed to be green, in the case of new construction, or, in the case of an existing property, it is possible to have an existing home, complex, or building designed and renovated to be a green building.

Not all green buildings look the same. A green building is more about the building’s operation and use of natural resources, re-use of resources, minimizing the building’s impact on the environment, and its integration with its natural surroundings. Meaning, you can design a green building to look any way you want to.

Contact us to learn more about green buildings, or to better understand what it will take or cost to make your building green.